Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration Speech video's 2 parts

For those who want to view Obama's Inauguration Speech that haven't had a chance to view it. Or to see it again. In two parts, the video's:

Monday, January 5, 2009

YouTube - Nanosolar

YouTube - Nanosolar

Watch the film past the talk about the nuke subs to get to the meat of this product. Then watch this video to see how it can be used by anyone to go green in a one day install window.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Contrail Science

Contrail Science

How Long do Contrails Last?

Q) How long do contrails last?
A) Anywhere from less than a second, up to several hours.

This is an oft-asked question. The answer is reasonably straightforward, but misunderstanding is common. To understand why a contrail can last as little as a fraction of a second, or as long as several hours, you need to understand what a contrail is, and how it forms.